Endless City Would Be Tall As The Shard

By M@ Last edited 118 months ago

Last Updated 29 August 2014

Endless City Would Be Tall As The Shard
*MANDATORY BYLINE* PIC BY SURE ARCHITECTURE / CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: ENDLESS CITY PROJECT) - These are the ambitious plans which suggest skyscrapers of the future may house an entire CITY. The Endless City project is an award-winning proposal by SURE Architecture, who propose turning skyscrapers into complete ecosystems. London is the proposed city for the mixed-use tower - which would feature huge ramps linking different sections of the structure. The company, whose design won the SkyScrapers and SuperSkyScrapers Competition, insist the structure would be a great space-saver in dense cities which have previously spread outwards rather than upwards. SEE CATERS COPY
View from above, with the Shoreditch viaduct at the base.
Hang on, we seem to have moved to Fenchurch Street. And the Thames...what gives?
Hang on, we seem to have moved to Fenchurch Street. And the Thames...what gives?
Internal view. The ground floor seems to be reserved for supermassive people.
Internal view. The ground floor seems to be reserved for supermassive people.

Plans are doing the rounds for a 'vertical city' on the fringes of the Square Mile. The Endless City tower would reach around 300 metres, making it of similar height to the Shard.

The concept revives the old idea of a city in the sky, with homes, shops, offices, plazas, gardens, galleries and viewing platforms all intercalated into one giant Jenga, not dissimilar to a stack of beermats, or malformed pancakes.

The proposal comes from SURE Architecture, and is presumably intended to stir debate about the future of cities, rather than serving as a serious proposition. The scheme would allow residents to work, rest and play within the same building, and move between areas via platforms that cut across the central atrium.

According to reports, the company has 'earmarked a location close to the City of London'. In fact, it seems to have earmarked two: one of the visualisations above puts the scheme in Shoreditch, while another shows it near Aldgate.

Images by Sure Architecture/Caters News